Theft of Trade Secrets
Los Angeles Theft of Trade Secrets Attorney
Helping Individuals and Businesses in Los Angeles Defend Against Allegations of Trade Secret Theft
Trade secrets are usually made up of processes and techniques that make a business unique, and that give it an edge. These secrets often include marketing formation, software, customer lists, and other types of sensitive information that are not widely known outside of a business. This is also information that is valuable and that the individual or business would want to protect.
In the State of California, nondisclosure agreements offer businesses protection against disclosure of trade secrets. Misappropriating a trade secret can result in an injunction being issued by the court, as well as civil damages. Stealing a trade secret can also result in a criminal charge.
If you have been accused of misappropriating a trade secret, an experienced and skilled Los Angeles theft of trade secrets lawyer at Anand Law Group, P.C., can assist you with your legal defense.
What Does It Mean to Misappropriate a Trade Secret?
Misappropriating a trade secret in the State of California means acquiring the trade secret of an individual or business when the accused either knows (or reasonably believes) that the secret was obtained through the use of misrepresentation, bribery, or theft, for example. Misappropriating a trade secret can also involve using or disclosing a trade secret without the owner’s consent, through the use of improper means (for example, from a former employee of the company who discloses the trade secret when he or she is not supposed to do so).
When an individual or business misappropriates the trade secret(s) of another individual or business, a court may issue an injunction to stop the misappropriation. If the person or individual is charged criminally and convicted, a judge can impose a sentence, including jail time and fines.
Talk to a Knowledgeable Los Angeles Theft of Trade Secrets Lawyer Today
If you have been accused of misappropriating a trade secret, Anand Law Group, P.C., is here to help with your defense. To schedule a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a passionate Los Angeles theft of trade secrets attorney, please contact us online today.