Mortgage Fraud
Los Angeles Mortgage Fraud
Defending Individuals in Los Angeles against Criminal Mortgage Fraud Allegations
Mortgage fraud can take on several different forms, and mortgagees, lenders, and others can sometimes be the target of a fraud investigation. If you have been charged with committing mortgage fraud, having experienced and effective legal counsel on your side is one of the most important steps that you can take. A knowledgeable and experienced Los Angeles mortgage fraud lawyer at Anand Law Group, P.C., can help you defend against your charge and can represent you at any in-court proceedings. We might also be able to assist you with negotiating a favorable plea deal with the prosecutor who is assigned to your case.
Defining Mortgage Fraud in Los Angeles
Mortgage fraud in Los Angeles involves a material misrepresentation, omission, or misstatement that an underwriter relies upon in order to insure, purchase, or fund a mortgage loan. There are several different activities that can qualify as mortgage fraud in California. Those activities include alleged foreclosure scams, alleged fraud for property (where one person steals another person’s identity so that he or she can qualify for a home mortgage), and alleged loan modification scams.
Potential Penalties for a Conviction of Mortgage Fraud
A conviction for mortgage fraud can lead to numerous penalties. In most cases, mortgage fraud is a felony charge, and a conviction can result in incarceration, along with monetary fines. In some cases, however, accused individuals will face several counts of mortgage fraud and may face many years of jail time if convicted.
Call a Knowledgeable Los Angeles Mortgage Fraud Lawyer Today
At Anand Law Group, P.C., we can assist you with defending against a criminal charge for mortgage fraud. To schedule a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a Los Angeles mortgage fraud attorney who will passionately advocate on your behalf, please contact us online today.