Mail Fraud

Los Angeles Mail Fraud Attorney

Mail fraud is an elaborate legal term that encompasses a wide variety of alleged frauds perpetrated through the U.S. postal system or other independent carriers (FedEx, DHL, etc.). To put it simply, mail fraud takes place when someone attempts to defraud another individual and uses the mail to advance their schemes.


Mail fraud is classified as a federal crime and can carry significant legal repercussions if a person is convicted. If you have been charged with mail fraud, it’s important to consult a highly-experienced and skilled mail fraud lawyer in Los Angeles to help clear your name.

Mail Fraud Charges and Penalties

Again, mail fraud is a comprehensive criminal offense that can be complicated and confusing for many people. This charge involves three primary criminal elements in which the prosecution must prove you committed:


      A scheme to defraud someone – This means depriving someone of their money or property in a dishonest way. Fraud can include the attempted theft of physical property (real estate and money) and intangible property (intellectual property and banking information).

      An intent to defraud – Intent is difficult to prove in court. The prosecution must prove that you knowingly were involved in a deceitful ploy to defraud another individual. A person who truly believed that their efforts were genuine cannot be convicted of mail fraud.

      Use of mail to advance a scheme –  If a person tried to defraud over the phone and followed up with a postcard, that can be construed as mail fraud.


Mail fraud carries potentially significant prison time, penalties, and/or restitution. Don’t delay in hiring a professional Los Angeles mail fraud attorney to assist in your case.

Learn How a Mail Fraud Lawyer in Los Angeles Can Help

Mail fraud is a serious crime, and you want to present a serious defense. If you need a lawyer who will passionately advocate and to fight on your behalf, contact us at Anand Law Group, P.C., today. 

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