Fraudulently Obtaining Money, Property, or Labor
Los Angeles Fraudulently Obtaining Money, Property, or Labor Attorney
Helping You Defend against Criminal Charges for Fraudulently Obtaining Money, Property, or Labor
In the State of California, it is against the law to knowingly obtain property, labor, or money from someone through the use of false representations or promises. The potential penalties upon conviction are essentially the same as those that are associated with a larceny or theft conviction.
If you have been charged with obtaining money, property, or labor through false pretenses, it is important that you have knowledgeable legal counsel on your side at all times. A skilled Los Angeles false pretense defense attorney at Anand Law Group, P.C., can explain all of your available legal options to you, help you decide on the best option for your case, and represent you at all of your criminal court proceedings and hearings.
Defining Theft by False Pretenses
In order for a person to be found guilty and convicted of theft by false pretenses, the accused must knowingly and intentionally do the following:
● Convince another person to voluntarily give the accused property or money
● Accomplish this by telling the other person an untruth or making one or more promises that the accused does not intend to keep
In order to prove that you committed theft by false pretenses – or any kind of theft crime – the prosecution has the burden of proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. You, as the accused, are not responsible for proving anything in your case.
Contact a Los Angeles Fraudulently Obtaining Money, Property, or Labor Lawyer Today
Depending upon the monetary value of the property which the accused allegedly stole, theft by false pretenses may be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Potential penalties upon conviction include jail time, fines, or probation. If you have been charged with a theft crime, the experienced legal team at Anand Law Group, P.C., will assist you with your case every step of the way by passionately advocating on your behalf.
To schedule a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a Los Angeles lawyer knowledgeable about a charge of fraudulently obtaining money, property, or labor, please contact us online today.