Medicare Fraud

Los Angeles Medicare Fraud Attorney

Medicare provides millions of U.S. citizens with healthcare coverage. Some people may attempt to defraud the program and receive healthcare benefits dishonestly. This is illegal and defined as Medicare fraud. Medicare fraud is a very serious crime that has gained prevalence over the years. 


A lot of people convicted of Medicare fraud are falsely accused or implicated in a fraud scheme. If you have been charged with Medicare fraud, you should contact a highly-experienced and skilled Medicare fraud lawyer in Los Angeles immediately.

Medicare Fraud Charges and Penalties

Healthcare and Medicare fraud are often two interchangeable terms. Medicare fraud encompasses a wide variety of different crimes, and here are some common examples of Medicare fraud:


      False claims – This includes engaging in fraudulent medical billing, creating false records, and submitting false medical claims. The prosecution must prove that the defendant knew of and willingly participated in these false claims.

      Taking or giving kickbacks – A kickback is defined as a valuable item one party provides to another in exchange for anything that generates business for the first party.


 A person convicted of making false Medicare claims can face the possibility of a length prison sentence, fines, and/or restitution.

Medicare fraud is a serious offense that often requires an aggressive and complex defense.

Learn How a Medicare Fraud Lawyer in Los Angeles Can Help

After Medicare fraud charges, you should seek help from an experienced and skilled Los Angeles Medicare fraud attorney. If you want to learn more about how we can improve the outcome of your fraud case, contact the Anand Law Group, P.C., to speak to a member of our passionate legal team. 

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