Money Laundering
Los Angeles Money Laundering
As banking systems and finance get more complex, so do the ways that people might use the system to conceal profits from illegal activity or promote illegal conduct. Federal laws strictly prohibit such acts as unlawful money laundering, and the penalties for money laundering can be surprisingly harsh. Protect yourself from federal criminal charges with the help of a money laundering lawyer in Los Angeles. Contact Anand Law Group, P.C., right away to discuss your case.
Overview of Federal Money Laundering Charges and Penalties
There are different types of money laundering charges under United States federal law, including for international money laundering, domestic money laundering, and money laundering spending. For each of these, the prosecutor must prove that a defendant knew the property was the proceeds of some type of illegal activity, and attempted to or actually engaged in a transaction to:
● Disguise or conceal the source, owner, location, or nature of unlawful proceeds, or
● Promote further success of unlawful activity
● Avoid federal or state requirements for federal transactions
One single transaction can result in a money laundering charge. Money laundering can also be alleged to be part of a scheme. In this case, a transaction is part of a plan or arrangement involving dependent or parallel transactions.
For domestic money laundering, a conviction in federal court can mean up to 20 years in federal prison, as well as fines up to twice the value of laundered funds or $500,000, whichever is greater.
Consult with an Experienced Money Laundering Defense Lawyer in Los Angeles
Money laundering charges require evidence of knowledge and intent, linking transactions to one another, and linking funds to undisputed criminal activity. Do not let prosecutors intimidate you into giving them information or seeking a guilty plea when they have insufficient evidence. Instead, do not wait to contact a dedicated and passionate Los Angeles money laundering defense attorney at Anand Law Group, P.C. for a free case analysis today.